Welcome back, ladies and gents! Yeah, I know, this comparison is a little early… I assume that’s not a problem for you! Let’s not lose any precious time, and let’s dive right into this week’s episode, “Battle Tendency #19 - Race to the Cliffs of Death”!
- Today’s first difference is Joseph’s face, dramatically retouched here:

- Kars and Stroheim have been redrawn and moved in this scene:

- Back to our beautiful boy… Joseph’s hair, ear and nose have been all retouched:

- This pretty terrible thing has been uncensored:

- And this other terrible thing has been uncensored as well:

- Are you ready for a retouched and slightly moved Stroheim?:

- These two blam blam pew pew sequences are sharper and brighter:
- Back to Joseph! Here he is, looking still shocked but a little better:

- Here, Stroheim (or what we can see of his glorious metal body) has been retouched and slightly moved:

- Everybody has been retouched and moved here! The table too:

- Kars looks MUCH, MUCH better here, and he’s actually doing a good job of shielding his face with his right arm:

- The hole in Kars’ hand has been uncensored again here:

- The tiny Joseph in the background has been retouched slightly:

- As has been Kars, here:

- And again here (and Stroheim too):

- Joseph (and the rest of the background) are now way less blurrier here:

- Another “let’s retouch everything” extravaganza, here! Check it out:

- The background is different here, and Joseph looks a little resized and tweaked:

- Kars looks better (and less wrinkled here):

- Ok, I don’t understand why, but here Joseph’s right eye looks duller in the BD version:

- Kars is wearing less makeup here:

- Everything looks a little better here, and the camera has been moved down a little bit:

- Kars is once again wearing less makeup here, and his upper lip has been shaded a little bit more:

- All three have been heavily retouched here (Messina is the one who benefited the most out of it):

- The camera is more zoomed in here, and Joseph’s face has also been slightly retouched:

- Everything has been tweaked here:

- Joseph looks MUCH BETTER here, thankfully… Some of these frames are just… The best:

- Both Kars and Joseph are smaller here, and have been slightly retouched too:

- Kars’ face has been tweaked here:

- Here he’s been retouched, the texture overlay is less heavy…:

- …and these frames have been completely redrawn:

- Everything has been heavily retouched here, and most lines are thinner:

- There’s a bunch of slightly brighter frames… Here’s one:

- Here Joseph’s arm has been retouched and moved:

- And here most things have been retouched, both Joseph and Kars are a little higher and the perfect Aja has no longer disappeared from Joseph’s right hand:

- Have a retouched Kars reenacting the fantasies of a couple of people out there:

- In the final couple of frames or the previous scene, the BD adds some droplets of blood:

- This shot is more centered and most things have been retouched again:

- And here too! I really like Caesar’s BD version:

- Kars has been completely redrawn here… Have a bunch of goofy frames!:

- The camera has been slightly zoomed here here, and Kars has been retouched (again):

- Joseph no longer looks like Voldemort here, plus he’s been moved and a couple of things have been tweaked here and there… There’s some treasures in this one as well:

- Here everything is retouched, less blurry and closer to the camera:

- Another retouched Kars here…:

- And a retouched Joseph…:

- Aaand a redrawn Kars…:

- Most lines in this scene are thicker, and a couple of shades are different:

- Kars’ face is looking a lot better here, once again (and the rest has also been retouched):

- There’s a slight distortion around the edges here, Joseph and Kars have been moved and both are retouched:

- Here the camera has been moved to the right a little bit, Messina is taller and Stroheim’s casting a slightly darker shadow:

- Once again, Kars is wearin less makeup here:

- Another zoom in here, and Kars has also been redrawn:

- And here he’s just been redrawn:

- Here Kars has been shaded differently, and his face has also been retouched:

- Another retouched Kars, walking off in the distance:

- The sportsmen in this compilation have all been redrawn:

- Caesar and Lisa Lisa have been retouched here, Lisa Lisa is shorter, the background has been slightly moved and a couple of shadows are different:

- Both Messina and Lisa Lisa have been retouched here, most lines on Messina are thicker and he’s also been shaded better:

- Most lines are thicker here! All three have been retouched! Some shadows are different!:

- Lisa Lisa’s face has been redrawn here, and Messina’s eyes have also been retouched:

- Lisa Lisa again here, and Caesar has a couple of thicker lines on his face (and scarf) too:

- All three eyes visible in this frame have been retouched, Caesar’s ear has been properly shaded, a line on his scarf has been redrawn and his left eyebrow no longer goes over his bandana:

- In this tense and fateful fight between brothers both are taller, most lines are thicker, most things have been redrawn and a couple of shadows have been changed too:

- Caesar has been moved, redrawn and the lines are, once again, thicker:

- Here, the lines are you guessed it, most things have been retouched and the camera has been moved… Prepare for another treasure trove full of goofy faces:

- Caesarino’s face looks better here too:

- And most things look better here (and most lines, strangely, are thinner):

- And Caesar closes his eyes while walking off:

- The camera has been moved up a little bit, and Caesar has been retouched again:

- The camera and background have been moved a little bit here, and both characters have been retouched:

- Here the colours are more vivid, the shades are better, the lines are thicker, all thre have been retouched… It’s just a solid, yet not ovely dramatic overhaul:

- Joseph’s nostril area and mouth have been moved down a little bit here, they added a line on his neck, some shading on his ear and eyes and twaked a couple of lines all over the place:

- Phew! We made it to the credits once again! This was a massive one… But I hope you’re ready for 1 (one) credit change! Here, like in the previous… two? episodes, 亀井隆広 (Kamei Takahiro) has been added to the credits, and in this episode we also have 石本峻一 (Ishimoto Shun’ichi). Say hello:

And we’re done! Isn’t that incredible? What a gargantuan comparison. I can’t even begin to imagine how long this takes David Production… I’m really grateful they’re doing that, though! Well, I hope you had a good time, and I’ll see you again in a week or two for “Battle Tendency #20 - Caesar’s Lonely Youth”!