Hello, everybody, and welcome back! Are all y’all ready to dive into the next episode? It’s time to take a look at “Battle Tendency #17 - Weave an Intricate Trap!”. Strap in and get something to drink or snack on, because this is a big one.
Let’s go!
- Today’s first difference is a rather minor one: the BD version does without the TV version’s overlay credits, and instead opts to put the entire opening in the episode:

- Here, the stone mask has been completely redrawn, and the lighting is different:

- In this beautiful shot of Kars, he no longer wears as much makeup on his eyes, the shade on his brow is slightly different, one small strip of his turban has been retouched, and the colours below his nose are a little smoother:

- My, oh my, what a difference we have here… Kars is looking much, much better in the BDs:

- In addition to the previous redraw, the light effects in this shot are much brighter, and the scene is overall sharper:

- This scene is sharper, and the colours are much better:

- Here, the imperfect Aja/Asia/whatever gem has been redrawn, Kars’ eye and brow area has been redrawn, his cheek… line thingy has also been retouched, and the mouth is open in a slightly more natural manner:

- The background is also staying still in this shot:
- Kars’ face has been retouched here:

- Kars’ eyeshadow is less prominent again here, his cheek line is no longer disjointed, and the lighting on the left part of the frame is different:

- There’s way less motion blur in this shot of the imperfect Aja:

- Lisa Lisa has been moved and redrawn in this series of shots:

- Suzy Q also looks much better here:

- Back to Lisa Lisa!:

- Lisa Lisa is slightly shorter here, the lighting on her is a little bit more natural and the lines on Joseph’s hand are slightly thicker:

- There’s a smattering of differences in this one particular frame! Let’s see… The general lighting is different, Caesar’s crotch is shaded in a slightly more natural fashion (very important), Caesar’s face and bandana have been retouched and Lisa Lisa has also been slightly redrawn:

- Here, have another redrawn and tweaked Lisa Lisa:

- Did I mention that Lisa Lisa has been redrawn in this episode?:

- Did I mention about how Lisa Lisa has been redrawn???? In this episode??:

- Messina’s nails have also been recoloured here:

- And the reflection in Loggins’ head crystal thing has also been retouched:

- Here the shot has been uncensored, the lines are thicker and the shading is much much better:

- The shot is uncensored again here, and the lighting on the dead body is slightly different:

- The camera has been slightly moved here, and Joseph’s eye area is looking a little better:

- And the camera movement in this animation is also different:
- The lines in this animation are thicker, and it is overall sharper:

- And again here, plus a brighter background…:

- And the BD version is way less shaky too:
- Ah, another difference-heavy frame! ACDC’s now wearing an extra armband on his left arm, almost every line is thicker, there’s an additional scratch texture layered on top of everything, ACDC’s shoulder nail… things have been completely redrawn, one of Joseph’s fingers has been completely redrawn (it was backwards!) and his abs area has been retouched:

- Here, once again, they added a scratch texture, the background is brighter, the lighting is slightly different, most lines are thicker and the camera has been slightly moved:

- This last frame has the same differences, but in addition to that, the string Joseph’s holding also has some slight reflection effects:

- And here again, with the same difference that most lines are actually less thick:

- Have a very boring, slightly lighter frame:

- And again here, plus an uncensored wound and much lighter shadows:

- Here the camera has been slightly moved, the usual texture has been added on top of everything, the background is also different and stuff looks a little… sharper too?:

- That texture again! Oh, and the hamon effects are also slightly brighter and redder:

- In this one the colours are a little bit better and brighter, the usual texture has been added and Joseph has his mask back on:

- Brighter again! The background is also slightly more blurred, and the texture blah blah:

- The colours and the texture are back again here:

- Here, the small dots on his mask are no longer that small, the colours are brighter and a small spot on his neck is not shaded anymore:

- Aaand, when he turns, the scar on his cheek has been slightly moved and resized, and the lines on his hands are thicker:

- Another brighter frame! And… the lines are a little too thick now. A square on his hat has also been recoloured:

- Here we have a bunch of tiny, separate differences, which are best explained with two pictures and an animation! The BD version adds a blur effect on the spinning hand, on the hamon effects and on the blood, the central spike has different contours and the “magma” blood effect is slightly different:

- And here you can see that when the flesh on the hand burns out, the bone has been textured a little bit better, and the onomatopoeia looks slightly more 3D:

- And here, get also an animation of the whole thing, because why not:
- ACDC has received a very nice texture layout on top:

- Here, the lighting is better, the background is blurrier, ACDC has more tears and has received (once more) a teeeexture makeover:

- And oh, look! The tears have also been animated:
- ACDC, texture, etc… Most of the lines with which Joseph has been drawn are also thicker:

- The lighting on this ACDC shot is much smoother:

- Here everything looks much brighter (and much more uncensored):

- Uncensored again:

- This poor guy has been uncensored, and the smoke has also been moved:

- Look, I’ve seen a lot of gross and weird things in JoJo, but… I have no idea what this is. But it’s uncensored, so… Hurray? The lava/blood effect is also different:

- ACDC and his thicc lines strike again:

- And here, ACDC’s face and neck have been entirely redrawn and reshaded (and thank goodness for that) and the strap connecting his right pec… thing to his right shoulder… thing has been redrawn:

- This other gross thing has also been uncensored…:
- …and there are also more blood drops, and the onomatopoeia has a slightly more 3D effect:

- Here the background has been moved by a few pixels, ACDC’s hand is uncensored, his face has been retouched and his left shoulder area has been tweaked:

- Ah yeah, JoJo’s so nice and family friendly:

- Here, both backgrounds move around and there’s a little less of a vignette effect around the edges:
- This short is less blurry, has a different shading, a different distortion around the edges, some better shading around Joseph’s right shoulder and some slightly tweaked lines on his face, and the strings Joseph’s holding now actually are strings:

- Here, ACDC’s hands have been redrawn and have thicker lines, his eye area has also been retouched, the line on his face is absent and there’s more blood drops all around:

- And now for a slight change of scenery! Here, Lisa Lisa and Suzy Q have been redrawn and reshaded, and their lines are also thicker. They’ve also been slightly moved:

- And again, Lisa Lisa has been retouched here (and the purple stripes on her shirt now have been correctly drawn in):

- Here, Joseph’s face has been reshaded and retouched (and he looks much better) and a couple of lines here and there are thicker:

- The same thickening has happened to ACDC as well, and his eye area has been slightly retouched:

- ACDC’s face and hat have been redrawn here too:

- Ah! Another busy one! Here, the overall lighting is different, the distortion is slightly more intense, the hamon-infused string is also brighter, Joseph’s face has been redrawn and ACDC now actually has a face:

- This onomatopoeia animation is also different:
- Caesar’s sick binos have been recoloured and reshaded:

- Messina’s whole face has been redrawn, and he’s been moved by maybe a couple of pixels:

- Oh, Caesar, my boy, you’re looking so much better:

- Oh! For a change, the BD version of this scene has done without the scratch texture overlay! Joseph’s face has also been retouched:

- Here, Joseph has been slightly moved up, he’s been veery slightly retouched, the shading on his midriff is a little bit different…:

- And in this animation, he moves his mouth to… laugh, I think? And his shoulders move way less instead:
- The clouds in the background have been moved here, and the sky looks slightly brighter:

- ACDC’s face and hat gems have been redrawn and reshaded here:

- The blood/lava in ACDC’s fingers is more evident in the BD version of this frame:

- The melting effect is brighter and different here:

- ACDC’s… “clothes” are now caked with blood and grime:

- Joseph’s face and hair have been redrawn here, and the scar on his arm has been moved up as well:

- Ah, friends! Can you smell that? It’s the smell of a credit difference! Bask in its glory… It’s been a while! Here, two names have been added at the bottom (糸井恵, Itoi Megumi and 亀井隆広, Kamei Takahiro) under the role ANN describes as “Animation Director Cooperation”, and 宝谷幸稔, Hōtani Yukitoshi, has been moved to the right:

Aaand that’s it for this episode! God damn, this was a long one. One of the longest in a while! I hope you enjoyed it, though. Thank you for all your comments, by the way! I read all of them, and I’m really grateful for your continuous support. See you in a couple of weeks for the Battle Tendency #18 - Stroheim’s Counterattack comparison… Be there or be square!