Hello hello, friends from near and from afar! Welcome back. How’s this week treatin’ ya? I’m (STILL) recovering from that wisdom tooth extraction I mentioned in the last comparison - but hopefully by the next post I’ll be all done. Today we’re going to take a quick look at episode #05 of Stone Ocean, “Prisoner of Love”!
Let’s cut to the chase!
- Here, on Jolyne’s right leg, we can see that parts of her trousers have been re-coloured to no longer look like her square… uh… pins? This seems like a rather minor change, but… I believe this is the real, actual, no-joke first BD-original change of this season! All other changes we’ve had in the previous episodes were either already present in the TV version or were just using bits from adjacent frames… but not this! No sirree! Check it out:

- For the first 14 frames of this shot, Jolyne’s neck has been enlarged - this is, however, also done using a bit from the following frames, alas. If you watch this scene in the Netflix or TV versions and you pay reeeal close attention, in fact, you’ll see that right part of her neck just pop into existence. But this is how it is in the BDs:

- Here we have our only brighter and sharper beatdown for this episode:

- Here we have a whole bunch of Emporio jerseys, which have received the usual treatment:

- Here, on top of the usual new jersey for Emporio, we have a couple more differences: the whole shot is a little more zoomed out, and you might notice that the last name has once again been changed from 田畑孝之 (Tabata Takayuki) to 髙松希 (Takamatsu Nozomi) - see the episode #01 comparison. Interestingly, these changes are all present in the TV version, but only the zoom and jersey have been retroactively “patched” on Netflix. The credit is still unchanged, just as it was for episode #01 onwards. I wonder why:

- Let’s finish this comparison up with a few more retouched jerseys, shall we:

And on this sweet sweet boy note, we end today’s comparison. I guess this was… a little more eventful than usual! I hope y’all had a good time - I’ll see you here for the next post, in a week or so! Bye!