JoJo's Bizarre Comparisons

Stardust Crusaders #47 - Dio's World - Part 3

Hello hello, good friends from across the land! We are gathered here today to take a good, detailed look at Stardust Crusaders #47, “Dio’s World - Part 3”! We’re almost at the end of this long crusade… Stick with me, people, because today’s comparison is going to be a looong one!

Let’s get going!

  • We’ll begin the comparison with a great classic: two brief brighter and sharper animations! Check them out:

  • Moving on, we can see that Jotaro has been redrawn here! In addition to that, everything is now a little bit darker:

  • Let’s take a quick look at the updated opening! Here, the New and Improved Stand Rush™ is now also brighter and sharper:

  • Here, Dio’s movements happen a couple of frames earlier, his mouthflap and aura have both been slightly tweaked, the background sky is brighter and the smoke is slightly more transparent:

  • This whole scene has better contrast:

  • Dio’s sweatier in this shot and most of the lines he’s been drawn with are thicker; on top of that, most of the motion lines are thinner and the top and bottom of the frame are darker:

  • This shot is a little more distorted, the texture on both auras is looking different and Dio is not quite as blurry as he was in the TV version:

  • The camera movement, debris and dust effects are different in both of these short animations:

  • Here, on top of some new shadows here and there…:

  • …this scene is now animated! Check out Dio’s hair and clothes flapping in the wind:
  • Want some more Dio? Yeah? How about this flashback shot where he’s been COMPLETELY REDRAWN FROM SCRATCH?:

  • As you might have already noticed from the previous difference, the background has also been slightly tweaked, with a different distortion and some blurrier drapes:

  • Here, the shotgun pellets have been recoloured…:

  • …and here they’ve got a new metallic texture:

  • In addition, the superimposed Dio face is now more transparent:

  • Moving back to the present… Here, Dio’s head has been redrawn and his hair is now animated:

  • This evil boy has been drawn with thicker lines, here…:

  • Here, both Dio and Jotaro have been moved to varying degrees, Dio’s aura is not as bright and, thanks to a radical background change, the two no longer look like they’re moving at a snail’s pace:

  • Dio starts this animation more turned to the left (to better connect it with his previous pose), and his head has been redrawn too:

  • Here, Jotaro has a couple of new shadows, on his right shoulder, most of the smoke strands are slightly more transparent… Ah, yes, and Dio and his aura have been completely redrawn as well! Check it out:

  • This brief bit of animation has some thicker lines…:

  • Dio’s looking even more upset here, and his hair has been pulled up by a couple of inches:

  • This animation of Dio getting rightfully punched through the abs has better contrast and the aura that was on top of the now-uncensored wound is now absent. On top of that, a spot on Dio’s nose is less shaded and the blood spurt has also been tweaked in some frames. Check it out:

  • Both Dio and The World have been thankfully retouched in this very cursed shot! On top of that, all the blood is looking different as well:

  • This part here has much better blood (better-looking and better animated), some of the details are now slightly blurrier, the camera has been moved a little and it no longer cuts to a recycled shot:

  • The texture on Dio’s aura has been changed, as usual, the camera movement is a little quicker and the background’s been moved as well:

  • This dude’s now casting a shadow, here:

  • Here, on top of the uncensored wound, the shading is a little different, the camera is a little more stable and most bits of glass have been changed (some have been moved, some are brighter and most of the smaller ones are now… twinklier):

  • This bit has also been uncensored, and some of the blood droplets have been moved around a tad:

  • These next shots are now uncensored (and, in the first three of them, the shading has been changed as well):

  • This shot is much more zoomed-out, Dio’s wounds are once again uncensored and… would you look at the SIZE of that leg:

  • This shot is more distorted, and the top-right corner is brighter for some reason:

  • This poor woman has met with a terrible fate:

  • On top of her uncensored neck, this shot has a vignette along the edges, and the overall shading is a little darker:

  • This traffic sign is now way brighter, and Dio now casts a shadow on it:

  • This shot is slightly more zoomed-in:

  • The lighting on Dio and Jotaro has been tweaked in this scene:

  • This animation is now slightly brighter:

  • Aw hell yeah dude:

  • Here, the lighting levels on the background have been tweaked - especially the sky and that small window in the bottom-left corner:

  • Dio’s aura has been toned down in this scene of him showing off his mad counting skills:

  • Here we have a short animation with a whole host of small differences that make the whole thing look more fluid:

  • Here, the light reflects more brightly on all the knives, and Star Platinum has been drawn with thicker lines and a slightly different colouring:

  • Here we have some more brighter knives, accompanied by an equally brighter sky and some thicker lines on Jotaro to boot (on the last frames only):

  • Here we have the first of many (many, many) uncensored frames, fellas! Jotaro will remain stabbed for most of the episode, and as you can imagine, each one of those scenes has been carefully uncensored. On top of that, this sky is brighter again…:

  • …and the shading on Jotaro’s closeup is a little brighter as well:

  • This extremely cursed Dio has been redrawn here, and his aura is slightly darker as well…:

  • …and, on top of that, The World’s been slightly recoloured and a doubled knife mistake has been rectified as well:

  • Stab stab, baby:

  • This extremely brief punch is now brighter, and most things have been recoloured:

  • This uncensored hat stabbing is now also brighter and is blurrier on the edges:

  • These next shots have a slightly darker background, a somewhat moved camera and a collection of uncensored wounds:

  • This scene has less random blood spurts around Jotaro’s chest area! On top of that, Dio’s aura is looking a little different and Jotaro’s left arm is now uncensored:

  • On top of the usual wounds, this scene also has a new vignette…:

  • …while this one is just darker at the bottom, has a different distortion and a slightly different cast shadow under Jotaro’s head:

  • This subsequent scene is basically the same but without the different distortion:

  • “Thank god my plot armor is safe”:

  • Here, most lines are thicker, there’s a new vignette and the inside of Jotaro’s shirt is darker (I don’t think there’s any need to comment on the uncensored wounds anymore, right?):

  • The thicker lines are back in this other shot, on top of the usual darker bottom of the frame:

  • The dust cloud is a little more transparent, here…:

  • …and here, Dio’s aura is not quite as blurry! On top of that, the dust around him is a little darker too:

  • Ow:

  • Jotaro’s face has been shaded a little more flatly, here…:

  • Here, the background is much brighter and the numbers on the sign have been correctly warped…:

  • …and, on top of that, the camera movement is also a little quicker:
  • This scene now has better contrast…:

  • The coloring on Jotaro’s face is once again flatter, here…:

  • …and, later on, we can see that both the dividing line and most lines on Dio’s face are now thicker as well:

  • Here, the pan up is a little quicker, the colour on Silver Chariot has been slightly tweaked and most of the Silver Chariot images hidden in the sword slashes are now clearer (does this sentence even make sense?):

  • Dio’s eye is a little darker here…:

  • …and, as the camera zooms in and in, we can see that the pupil has been retouched altogether, and that the reflection of Polnareff is now blurrier and correctly mirrored as well:

  • Man, it’s not a great episode for head stabbings, huh?:

  • Dio’s forehead wound is in full display here as well; on top of that, his aura has also been retouched on the top-left corner:

  • On top of the now-familiar wound, Dio’s aura no longer deletes Polnareff here:

  • …and the distortion caused by The World’s time stop is now slightly different:

  • This shot (which is basically a recolour of the one from a couple of differences ago) has similarly been uncensored…:

  • As has this one. On top of that, Dio’s aura is also different and most smoke effects are slightly transparent:

  • This picture of Dio reenacting the Arthur fist meme is now slightly more zoomed-in…:

  • …and here our evil vampire boy has been drawn with slightly thicker lines, as per usual:

  • Like a gruyere cheese:

  • This flashback is also significantly brighter…:

  • If Jotaro closed his mouth and blew really hard I bet he’d sound like a panflute:

  • The shading and colouring on his face have been tweaked slightly here:

  • Dio’s aura has a different shape and texture here, and it animates in a slightly wilder way:

  • The area between Jotaro’s right arm and his torso is now slightly darker, here…:

  • Holey shit:

  • The blood under Jotaro now has a slightly blurrier outline, here:

  • Most lines on Dio are once again slightly thicker, here, and would you look at that? There’s a different distortion along the edges! And the aura is not quite as bright in some places either:

  • Jotaro’s been drawn with some slightly thinner lines, here…:

  • This dude’s neck has now been uncensored and… oh yeah, Dio’s got his aura back:

  • Delet this:

  • Dio’s all aura’d up here again, and most things have been moved a tad higher up:

  • Here we have a new vignette, a different distortion and some new blood droplets:

  • Ouchie:

  • Dio’s eyes are slightly brighter here, but most of the rest of his head is a little darker; on top of that, the gun smoke is now a little whiter:

  • Here, on top of the same distortion and vignette we saw earlier, we have a slightly different zoom and Star Platinum (and the bullet) shows up some frames later - and the hue on the stand is also looking a little different:

  • Jotaro’s face has been colored a little bit flatter and the blood on the ground has blurrier outlines, here:

  • Jotaro’s ribcage is brighter, here:

  • The same applies here; a couple of blood vessels have received the same treatment as well (and a very small vein on the heart is now no longer dark):

  • In this scene of Dio hugging and appreciating mother earth, the lower part of the background is now darker:

  • While here, it’s the lower part of the frame to be darker:

  • …and here, the lower part of Dio! On top of that, the shot has a different distortion and the aura is also different:

  • The dark parts of the background are slightly darker, here…:

  • Dio has been redrawn here and is closer to Jotaro; on top of that, the aura looks a little different and Dio’s movements are less static (there’s even a new bit of animation towards the end):

  • The brighter ribcage is back once again, here:

  • Dio’s face has been redrawn once again here, and his aura has also been retouched:

  • Jotaro’s forehead is once again darker, here…:

  • The camera shakes a little more here, and there’s a new distortion and vignette along the edges; on top of that, most dust effects are also slightly blurrier:

  • This scene is just looking massively better:

  • Dio’s eyes and the insides of his mouth have been shaded a little better, here…:

  • This scene, a slightly longer version of the one we saw a couple of differences ago, is also looking much better, and the camera movement is smaller and quicker:

  • Here we have a number of things that have been changed to improve this scene: first off, the aura effect is different, there’s a new distortion, the motion effects along the top and bottom edges of the frame have been recoloured and most things have a slightly different colouring:

  • Here, the distortion caused by The World’s time stop is once again different and changes colour a few frames in, Star Platinum’s fist looks a little different (it seems to not be affected by the time stop anymore) and the lighting and colouring on most things have been changed:

  • Here we have another bunch of differences! The camera is more stable, Dio’s eyes are brighter and his aura dimmer, Star Platinum’s arm is different, slightly brighter and less blurry, the blood particles are different and there are some new blue-ish impact effects from the punch itself:

  • Here, the camera has been moved a little bit…:

  • …as has it been here as well. On top of that, Dio’s silhouette and Star Platinum’s arm are brighter, there are less motion lines on the two corners, the bone particles are not as blurry and the blood is redder and more visible:

  • Here, once again, the aura effects are different, the motion lines have been recoloured and there’s a different distortion…:

  • …and, at the end of the same shot we have some heavier motion blur, accompanied by some equally blurrier blood droplets:

  • This shot has a different aura and a different distortion…:

  • While this one has… just a whole lot of small differences going on:

  • Dio’s aura is once again slightly different here, his head is much darker (possibly to hide the fact that his skull should be shattered), and there are more blood particles flying through the air:

  • These two shots are dustier…:

  • Here we have a new vignette along the edges:

  • While here, the background is now significantly darker:

  • And here, on top of the usual distortion, most things are slightly darker, Dio’s blood and the background are blurrier and the blood itself is also looking different:

  • Here, the car is bigger, Star Platinum’s punch is slightly different (he now goes back to the car with his hand, after punching it), the debris scattering from the car has also been moved and it no longer stays on screen until the end, and the texture on the gasoline is also looking a little different:

  • Here, on top of the usual distortion, the blood spurting from Dio’s head is also different:

  • In this frame that looks like the beginning of a really nasty porn video, there’s a new vignette along the left and bottom edges, and Dio’s now correctly casting a shadow:

  • Dio’s cast shadow is back here! On top of that, the lighter flame is slightly different, and the coloring on Dio himself is also a little flatter, as usual:

  • This bizarre shot is now more zoomed out and has a significant vignette on the left; Dio’s been retouched and the blood/gasoline pool underneath him has been correctly drawn in. On top of that, the car in the background comes a couple of frames earlier and the dust underneath its wheels is slightly different as well:

  • Here, on top of the usual vignette, blurrier blood and flatter coloring, we have some more blood particles flying around, the time stop distortion is once again slightly different and Dio’s mouthflap has been changed - he now no longer keeps moving his mouth after activating The World:

  • This wonky Jotaro has been redrawn:

  • And here, most things have been moved around, and both Dio and Jotaro are looking better:

  • Stab stab:

  • The first eight frames of this animation now have better contrast, and the taxi’s taillights are now lit up:

  • In this spaghetti western-looking shot, Jotaro’s now significantly darker:

  • Small stab stab:

  • Here, on top of the now-familiar knife and flatter coloring, Jotaro’s mouthflap has been tweaked and he pulls the knife out of his shoulder earlier (I guess they wanted to censor the whole motion in the TV version?):

  • Here, the background is slightly different, and the light reflected on the knife blade has also been recoloured:

  • Here, the usual distortion is back, along with some tweaked coloring and some thicker lines on the car and, later on, on Dio as well; on top of that, the sparks flying from the car skidding against the asphalt have been recoloured and there’s more of them. Check it all out:

  • Here, on top of a brighter sky in the background, the ドギャアァー onomatopoeia is now looking better and has been more dynamically animated; on top of that, there are some new dark motion lines along the edges and the background layer most farther away has also been moved slightly:

  • Here, the street lights have a warmer tint, the top and bottom of the frame are darker, the shot is slightly more zoomed-in…:

  • …and, on top of that, Dio tumbling in the foreground is now brighter, blurrier, and he’s been moved as well:

  • Let’s take a look at it all in motion:
  • This animation is brighter, blurrier, dustier:
  • Some of the frames from the previous animation are pretty humorous. Let’s check some of them:

  • Here most things have been scaled up or moved, the motion lines have been shifted a little bit, there’s way more blood flying through the air and Dio’s been shaded a little darker…:

  • Dio’s been redrawn here:

  • Here, most things are a little darker, there’s a new vignette, the background has been moved (and distorted as well, if you look at the buildings in the back), Dio’s eye area is looking a liiiittle different and the coloring on him has also been slightly changed, his right arm has been moved towards the end…:

  • …and, between the two last frames, we have a credit difference! Here, the last kanji in 田中彰悟 (Tanaka Shōgo)’s name has been corrected from 吾 to 悟:

  • Here, Dio’s shading has been tweaked, his blood is blurrier and Jotaro’s cast shadow is also slightly bigger:

  • In this very significant close-up, the background sky is brighter and Jotaro is, as usual, been colored a little flatter:

  • I’m gonna have to beg for mercy for these next two differences, and ask that you take a look for yourselves. let’s check out the first:

  • And the second, difference-filled, cathartic punch is here:

  • Here, both auras are slightly less luminous, and most lines are thicker:

  • Here, the most prominent streetlight has a warmer tint, the pan is a little quicker, some of the blood’s blurrier and Dio’s mangled remains are much brighter:

  • Here, most things are blurrier, there are way more prominent motion lines on the top-right and bottom-left corners, the camera shakes around more, the background is more dynamic (you can even see some street lights passing by), and Dio’s hair has been recoloured (perhaps it was meant to look more like the mangled remains of his skull?):

  • The bottom of the frame is darker and not quite as blurry here, and Joseph’s neck is also uncensored (RIP):

  • The lighting of Dio in this scene is different, his aura has got a slightly different texture and his nose has also been retouched at the end:

  • And here we have the final comparison for the day, a fitting way to end this absolute humongous comparison: High DIO’s now correctly wearing his fashionable green lipstick, here:

Pheeew! And there you have it, folks! An odyssey, an adventure, a crusade of massive proportions; but now this penultimate episode’s over, and here it is! The reign of Stardust Crusaders #46 as the longest comparison was a very short-lived one, as this one smashed pretty much every record (245 images vs. 193, 56 videos vs. 53, 5776 lines of post vs. 4600… yeah, I mean. Yeah). We are fast approaching the end of this trip, friends… Next up we’ll take a close look at the final Stardust Crusaders episode - and the final episode left to compare (FOR NOW!). Join me next time for a trip through Stardust Crusaders #48, “A Long Journey - Goodbye, My Friends”!

See you soon!

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