Welcome back to JoJo’s Bizarre Comparisons! Today we’ll take a look at Episode #08, which is the episode with the least changes yet. It’s going to be brief and uneventful (but then again, this episode was very good as it was), which is why I’m uploading this episode analysis together with Episode #09’s! Alright, let’s get into it.
- Let’s start with a very brief animation, which has been brightened in the BDs:
- In this shot Yukako’s eyebrows have been moved down:

- And here we have another sharper animation:
- Aaaand, to top it all off, animator and character designer 西位輝実 (Nishii Terumi) has been credited for the mid-episode eyecatch:

…And that’s it. Yeah, I know. But never fear, because there’s another episode for you to check out! Tune in, well… Right now for Episode #09!
See ya there!