Hello again, and welcome back, everyone! Today we’re going to take a look at Episode #12 of Battle Tendency and, oh boy, is it a beefy one! I’m pretty sure this is going to be the longest comparison yet, so sit back and grab something to eat.
Here we go!
- The first comparison of this episode is a slightly different mouth flap on Joseph; since it’s a very brief scene, I thought it would be a bit overkill to make an animation. Here is an exemplificative frame, though:

- And, some frames later, we have a minor mistake in the TV version: the background that should be visible between Joseph’s arm and his body is instead coloured the same way as his skin. This has, of course, been fixed in the BDs:

- Another slightly different mouth flap animation here. This is longer, so here, have a .webm:
- Joseph really looks like a jock with his chin unshaded here:

- Donovan’s eyes are more detailed in the BDs (no, I didn’t remember that dude’s name either, I had to go look it up):

- In this shot, Joseph has been completely redrawn, and the outline on Donovan is thicker and better:

- This animation focuses a bit longer on the ground in the BDs:
- Joseph’s memories of Speedwagon and Erina are more HD in the Blurays:

- The nazi scientists and soldiers have been massively redrawn in most (if not all) of these wide shots (and some close-ups too); here’s the first of them:

- The outlines in this shot are slightly thicker:

- Here Speedwagon has been redrawn and re-shaded (note the bandage on his head); he’s also been moved slightly more to the right. Stroheim has also received a few retouches and a better shading:

- Alright, alright, this might be overkill, but every goddamn frame in this animation has been redrawn and I love each redraw so much that I felt you deserved to see every different frame by itself. So, here you go, ELEVEN different QUALITY Stroheim frames, for your eyes only:

- Santana is another character who has received an overall design change; in some scenes this is only apparent by a few details, but in others the redraws are massive and very apparent. Guess which one this is:

- This three-way split screen is also a drastic improvement:

- This scene of Santana detaching from the stone pillar has been redrawn; the blood effects are also more subdued:

- Stroheim is a little bit more insane in the BDs. The background is also slightly shifted, and his outline has been retouched:

- Upgrade_button_meme.jpg (wait, did I already make this joke? I must have):

- In these two shots of Stroheim, several parts have been shaded differently (i.e. better), namely his chin, his mouth, his hair, his cheekbones and his ear:

- Another Santana redraw! Notice the hueg thigh:

- Santana no longer has a toddler’s feet (the background has been also slightly shifted):

- I mean… Alright? Just look for yourselves. And it’s not an inbetween! 58 frames of this goodness:

- Another two shots of Santana 2.0:

- Here there are a bunch of retouches (Stroheim’s mouth, his nose, his hair, the two scientists behind him have slightly different eyes), but most notably in the TV version Stroheim had six finger on his right hand. This has been fixed:

- Speedwagon has been redrawn but holy shit, look at how different his wheelchair is:

- Stroheim’s eyes are a bit closer together in this shot:

- Here, Stroheim is taller, he’s been retouched (mostly on his face) and the colour palette is different:

- The frames in this brief transition are less blurred:
- The shading on this weird-ass vampire is slightly different:

- In this shot, Stroheim has been redrawn and the hair on the leftmost scientist has been coloured better:

- Another Stroheim redraw here, plus a less dramatic shading:

- This very gross bit of Santana absorbing the vampire has been uncensored:

- In this shot, the BDs add the usual scratch texture overlay, plus the shading is different:

- Here, instead, the scratch texture is different, Stroheim’s eyes have been retouched and the background is redder:

- Stroheim has a thicker outline here:

- Speedwagon too (although to a lesser extent):

- The same old wide-shot redraw can be seen here:

- I swear this is the same shot, guys:

- Another heavily retouched Stroheim in this shot (and if you look closely, you can see Santana is different as well, but you’ll see him better in the next comparison):

- Same as before + more zoomed in Santana:

- Santana is more MENACING here, and a line in his neck has been redrawn:

- Just look at this comparison, holy hell. Could that dude on the right even see with those tiny eyes he had in the TV version?:

- This nazi hand groping that mexican lady in a nazi way has thicker outlines:

- Tequila Joseph has also been slightly retouched! His tequilas now have labels, there are black areas in his chest and right shoulder, and his mouth and eye have been shaded better:

- Here’s a couple of tequila labels for you:

- And a couple of thicker outlines:

- Here’s an inverted comparison as the one with the missing background! In the TV version, Joseph was missing his hair. This has been fixed in the BDs (the outlines are also thicker, some colours are different and the shading is redone):

- Same as before except for the missing hair:

- Here, the scene shakes differently in the BDs; also, there are the usual tequila labels, the sky in the background is slightly less dark around the edges, the hamon sparks are brighter and there are more tequila particles:

- For some reason in this frame there’s a very thin black line at the left of the screen; this has been fixed in the BDs (but look at Joseph’s messed up foot):

- This scientist here has thicker outlines and a darker forehead in this shot:

- This coffee cup and plate have been redrawn:

- Okay now look, I’m all for stylistic choices and perspective can be distorted to fit the director’s aesthetics, but… Just look at that table! Oh, right, everything else has also been redrawn:

- Another thicker and darker scientist, as before:

- EVERYBODY has been redrawn here. Plus, Stroheim’s mouth and eyes have been retouched:

- The two soldiers in the background have had their face redrawn in this shot:

- Another retouch-heavy shot here:

- Santana has been redrawn as well here:

- Thicker outlines again:

- Again with the outlines, plus a couple of minor retouches:

- Have a bunch of redrawn Santanas with shifted background:

- Stroheim shits his pants in HD:

- And here’s a bunch of thicker outlines:

- Here, the scene’s a bit darker and there’s that usual scratch texture:

- Another wide-shot massive redraw here:

- Okay now this, THIS is fucked up:
- The camera moves around in an unsettling way in the BD version of these shots:
- Another redrawn Stroheim:

- I thought about making a pun based on “jaw drop”, but then I decided that it would have been too obvious. You can thank me later. Anyhow, this disgusting scene is brighter and uncensored, and that… thing’s eyeball has also been shaded:
- Here, the soldiers, Stroheim and Speedwagon are brighter and have been redrawn; the detached jaw is also uncensored:

- Here, both Speedwagon and Strohaim’s faces have been retouched:

- This Speedwagon’s been retouched and re-shaded (check out the bandages on his head, they no longer look like they’re glowing):

- Another healthy dose of redraws in these two shots:

- Most of the things in this shot have been redrawn, moved and/or scaled:

- Here is another retouched and reshaded shot:

- The animation of Santana coming out of the nazi soldier’s dead body has also been uncensored:
- Same as before with this one; plus, the scene is brighter and the background is slightly more zoomed out:
- Santana 2.0 shows up again, after a bit of time away from the screen:

- Even this very minor shot of Joseph’s nazi boots has been redone. The floor is more slanted and has a different texture, and the boots themselves have been drawn and shaded better; plus, there is some dust on the ground:

- Holy hell, now this is what I call a massive redraw! Video+picture for optimal comparison:

- Here Joseph’s helmet, eye shadow and mouth have all been retouched:

- Here’s a couple of brighter and sharper shots, as usual:
- In this shot, everyone but Joseph has been completely redrawn, and Joseph himself is slightly darker; plus, at the tip of his fingers you can see the hair he uses for his hamon barrier (or at least, it’s definitely clearer than it was in the TV version):

- Here, in the BDs Joseph has gloves; his eyes are also slightly darker:

- Speedwagon, Joseph and Stroheim have all been redrawn and re-shaded here:

- And Santana has got his usual thicker outline makeover:

- And in this shot, all three have been redrawn:

- There are three TV frames in which Joseph has got a weird shade on his nose; the BDs fix that:

- And here, Joseph’s mouth and hand have been retouched:

- In this shot there are a couple of differences. Stroheim’s hand (you can see it between Santana’s arm and his body) has been fixed, Speedwagon’s face has been redrawn, and for some reason Joseph’s shirt is no longer checkered, but it is now a plain light blue:

- And here Joseph’s shirt has been redrawn again, as before (the outlines are also thicker):

Aaaaaaaand that’s it! Hooly hell, this has been a long one. At 228 images and 32 videos, this is by quite a bit the most difference-heavy episode yet! I hope this record will stay unbroken for at least a handful of episodes, though, because this has taken me quite a while. But it was fun nonetheless! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this, and thank you for all the visits! Tune in again next time for Battle Tendency #13, baby!
See you next time!