Hello, dear people! Hello, bore da, Dia daoibh, buongiorno and hola to everyone! Let’s get the obvious out of the way (since it’s been almost a month since the last comparison) - apologies for the delay! I’ve been quite busy with work, and as a result I got too tired in the evenings to work on this, and I needed the weekends to rest and recuperate. Now I’ve managed to gather a little bit of energy and so - here we are! Today we’re going to take a look at episode #06 - “Ermes’ Stickers”!
Without further ado…
- Let’s start with a minor change: here, the EOWN tag on McQueen’s collar has been correctly drawn in a couple of frames - this change was first introduced in the TV version, but has not been patched in the Netflix version:

- Moving on, here we have Emporio - and you might already think “Oh! I know this one - his jersey’s been retouched”, but… not quite! If you look at this comparison closely, you’ll notice that the overall tint on Emporio is different, here. Slightly less brown, if I had to say? A touch more vivid. It’s quite hard to tell, but I believe this change was first introduced in the TV version, and is now also present in the Netflix version. Anyhow, it’s not super evident, but check it out! If you’re having trouble spotting the difference, try flipping quickly and observing his hair/hat region:

- Here we go back to the Emporio we all know and love! Some new jerseys all around! As usual, these changes are also present in the TV version, and have since been back-ported to Netflix. Here they are:

- Here, on top of the usual jersey, the texture on the disc Ermes is holding is also slightly duller. As with the differences above, this is also now present in all three versions:

- Let’s keep going with another collection of shots depicting Emporio’s retouched jersey (these are also present in all three versions):

- Let’s now move on: it’s time to look at some sharper and brighter animations! This first one is rather self-explanatory:

- Oof. Poor Ermes! But her suffering isn’t over - in this shot we have a double whammy: the electricity is also brighter (a difference which is exclusive to the Blu-Rays), and Emporio’s jersey has also been retouched (a difference which, as you remember, is now present in all three versions). Check it out:

- Here we have a last serving of our sweet boy’s retouched jersey (as before - now present in all versions):

- Aaand now we will conclude this comparison with a glorious barrage of brighter and sharper animations! Enjoy:

And thus we conclude today’s rather lengthy comparison! Lengthy, but perhaps not super eventful - most of the differences in here were a variation on a couple of themes. I still hope you had a good time, and I apologize again for the long wait - sometimes it just be like that. Please try to remember I’m doing this purely as a side hobby - don’t yell at me in the comments if I’m a week or two late, alright? If anything, that actually makes me want to come back less. Anyhow, see you next time for episode #07 - “There’s Six of Us!”